Talent Quest
By: Michael Vu and Kathleen
On the 4 of September Wednesday, the whole school went up to the hall to watch CTK’s most talented students, including children from our class JCM (Jack, Christian E and Michael N) and Jasmine. The acts in the talent quest included singing, dancing, gymnastics, comedy and music. Everyone was very excited to watch CTK's talent.
There was lots of acts that were amusing and great to watch. There were all sorts of acts, like children singing to songs, children using a hula hoop At the end of the talent quest, everyone who made it into the talent quest received two packets of lollies for participation.
Finally, it was the time for the judges [our student teachers] to announce the winners. In third place was Georgina in Year 2 who danced to Gangnam Style in a very funny way. In second place was a tie with Rhiannon in Year 6 who played the drums to a rock song, and Jasmine in Year 5 who did gymnastics which really made people flip. In first place was Joseph, who played the piano, that sounded like something in a orchestra.
In the end the talent quest was very amazing, and we can't wait until next year to see what CTK has next. A big congratulations to all students in Year 5 who auditioned and especially to Jasmine, Jack, Christian E and Michael N.
What was your favourite act?