Thursday, 11 April 2013


Modality Challenge

By Mikayla and Michael.N

It all started with Miss Lee going to a meeting where Tom Barrett  (a man from England), gave Miss Lee a challenge for our class to do. The challenge was that we had to write at least 50 sentences using at least one word of modality in each sentence that we write. We ended up  doing  over 200 sentences!!!

Everyone earned 13 merits. We also had a mini challenge for the sentence number:
  • Jason wrote the 50th sentence
  • Michael and Charbel got the 100th sentence
  • Christian B and Jack got the 150th sentence 
  • Gaby got the 200th sentence
They each earnt a raffle ticket. Everyone did a great job with their sentences. Gabby N wrote a fantastic 29 sentences!

We came up with some great sentences. Here are some good ones-

It is possible that it is going to be sunny tomorrow (Angelica)
It is completely unacceptable for schools to have animals in the classroom. (Tracey)
It is obvious that there are eight planets (Michael V)
It is vital that all children learn to swim (Gabby N)
I seriously recommend that smoking should be illegal (Ashleigh)
It is definite that I will eat chicken tonight (Luke)
It is completely unacceptable for children to smoke. (Georgia)

Mahrae and Emma created a wordle of our sentences:

We also have a google presentation of the sentences:

If you would like to submit a sentence click here.
If you would like to see our sentences click here.

Did you enjoy the challenge? Why or why not?

Tuesday, 9 April 2013

Smooth and Flow

By Gabby N
In Year 5 we have learnt an acronym called SMOOTH. It stands for :
In Year 5 we are SMOOTH during pack up. We are SILENT as we MOVE in an ORDERLY, ORGANIZED and TIMELY manner in HARMONY with the rest of our class.

We can recognize when SMOOTH is on because Miss Lee plays a song. SMOOTH is during pack up, there is a timer while the song is on. Our limit is 30 seconds, if we are ready within 30 seconds our class earns a merit.

By Gabby N
We also use the acronym FLOW. It stands for:
In Year 5 we are FLOW in and out of the classroom. We are FOCUSED as we LINE UP in an ORDERLY and calm manner WAITING for further instructions.

We do FLOW when we are leaving our classroom to another.

Monday, 8 April 2013

Ask an Expert- Pilot

Visit from a Pilot
by Mikayla

Miss Lee’s brother Michael came in to tell us all he knows about planes. We were able to ask him questions.  Here is what we have learnt:

  • Michael has been flying planes for five years.
  • He says it is fun flying a plane.
  • Planes stay up by moving through the air.
  • Planes use a fuel called avgas it is light leaded.
  • The controls that make a plane roll are called Aileron.
  • The plane that Michael flies is the size of a Minibus.
  • Michael doesn’t need a co-pilot because he has a license.
  • He knows all the parts of a plane off by heart.
  • In Michael’s opinion, flying a plane for a long time is a hard but a fun job.
  • Michael loves flying planes.
  • He hasn’t flown a plane in another country but he has been all over Australia.
  • Sometimes, it is hard to land while it is windy.
  • To become a pilot, you need to know all your times tables off by heart.
  • Michael was nervous when he first flew a plane all by himself.
  • Michael got interested in flying planes after he got the opportunity to go to a camp.
  • Michael has flown over 200 passengers.
  • At the moment he is training so he can teach people to fly.

Here is a video of the visit.

Saturday, 6 April 2013

Cross Country

 Cross Country
  by Dylan K, Christopher and Christian B

On the 22nd of March at Gilman Reserve, we had a cross Country Carnival. We were also luck enough to play some harmony games like soccer, obstacle course and much more games.

Kinder and Year 1 had only Harmony games. Year 2 ,Year 3, Year 4, Year 5 and Year 6 had both cross country and games. Year 2 up to some of Year 5 (ages 7-10) ran 5 laps and the rest of Year 5 and Year 6 ran 7 laps(11-12).

It was fun  and Good luck to everybody who made to the next level!

Thursday, 4 April 2013

Starry Night

Starry Night
By Christian B, Christopher and Samuel

Year 5 have painted some great paintings inspired by Vincent Van Gogh's Starry Night.

Miss Lee showed Year 5 a video of Vincent Van Gogh’s painting of the Starry Night and a video of the city skyline.

Then Year 5 made their own Starry Night painting with the city skyline.

Wednesday, 3 April 2013

The trial and crucifixion of Jesus.

Crucifixion of Jesus
By Angelica, Jasmine and Tracey

On Holy Thursday, Year 5 presented the crucifixion of Jesus as a  liturgy.  We had 4 scenes.  Every student was involved and did a wonderful job.

In scene 1 we showed how everyone wanted Jesus to be crucified on the cross.  The people in this scene were Mikayla, Jasmine, Luck, Jason, Gabby N, Clare and Jack.

In scene 2 we showed the soldiers putting clothes on Jesus and mocking him.  The people in this scene were Sarina, Christian E and Dylan.

In scene 3 we showed Simon of Cyrene helping Jesus carry the cross.  The people in this scene were Michael N, Gaby S and Emma.

In scene 4 we showed Jesus dieing on the cross.  The people in this group were Angelica, Ashleigh, Tracey, Samuel, Charbel, Kathleen and Michael V.   

Christian B was responsible for beating the drum three times for every new scene.   Mahare and Lily made a lovely presentation of the songs.  Meg and Christopher were the narrators, and Georgia read the prayers.  

Congratulations to everyone on a very reverent representation of the crucifixion of Jesus.  

As we celebrate the Easter season we remember how Jesus was mocked by those around him- the crowd, soldiers and even another criminal.  May we remember that our actions may hurt other people.  Let us try to treat others with respect and kindness.  

2D Shapes

 2D Shapes

   By Mahrae & Emma

In Mathematics, we have been learning about 2D shapes. 2D shapes are shapes that you can not hold. We have been learning about parts of a circle and different types of triangles like scalene, equilateral, isosceles and right angled triangles. We enjoyed learning it very much. We had to create a google drawing of a 2D shape. We had to write how many corners and sides it had we then had to record the answer by talking into the microphone on the computer.
Check out our video below!

Soaring Experiment

Paper  Plane  Experiment
By Jack, Chica and Ashleigh
On the 25th of March we had an experiment for our Sinking, Sailing and Soaring topic. We made paper planes so we could fly it and record who could fly the furthest. Each pair had to choose a design they thought would fly the furthest. Each pair flew their plane twice, we measured and then recorded the distance.  

Jack, Chica and I would like to say a big 'Great Job' to everyone who participated in our competition. Congratulations to our first place winners Chica and Jack for their great effort on scoring a massive 16.25m. Have a look at the results table below.

First Flight
Second Flight
Kathleen and Gabby N
5.5 m
6.5 m
Charbel and Jason
8.23 m
11 m
Michael V and Dylan
4.6 m
2.51 m
Christopher and Samuel
7.33 m
13.75 m
Mahrae and Lily
7.67 m
13.5 m
Meg and Angelica
3.34 m
3.7 m
Sarina and Jasmine
4.76 m
8.4 m
Gaby and Christian B
12.85 m
5.24 m
Tracey and Clare
9.54 m
7.25 m
Michael N and Luke
5.3 m
14.6 m
Ashleigh and Emma
5.98 m
6.2 m
Mikalya and Georgia
9.5 m
7.25 m
Christian E and Jack
5.29 m
16.25 m