Thursday, 4 April 2013

Starry Night

Starry Night
By Christian B, Christopher and Samuel

Year 5 have painted some great paintings inspired by Vincent Van Gogh's Starry Night.

Miss Lee showed Year 5 a video of Vincent Van Gogh’s painting of the Starry Night and a video of the city skyline.

Then Year 5 made their own Starry Night painting with the city skyline.


  1. I had a lot of fun doing this painting. I can't wait to do another one!

  2. Emma

    I loved doing this painting with everyone and everyone in the class did a great job!!!! I hope we can do it again because it is very FUN!!!!

  3. Tracey

    The starry night painting is great!!!! I hope we do it again because it was so GREAT!!!!!!! And great job Christian B, Christopher and Samuel you guys done a great on the video and post, Miss Lee you are fantastic on this job, posting videos and post.

  4. All of these paintings look fantastic!Great job everyone,very nice blog post and video.I have loved painting some of Vincent Van Gogh's paintings.

  5. I loved this activity because it was fun ,I hope we do this again great job to Samuel , Christian B , Christopher for making this video on i-movie well done .
