Tuesday, 9 April 2013

Smooth and Flow

By Gabby N
In Year 5 we have learnt an acronym called SMOOTH. It stands for :
In Year 5 we are SMOOTH during pack up. We are SILENT as we MOVE in an ORDERLY, ORGANIZED and TIMELY manner in HARMONY with the rest of our class.

We can recognize when SMOOTH is on because Miss Lee plays a song. SMOOTH is during pack up, there is a timer while the song is on. Our limit is 30 seconds, if we are ready within 30 seconds our class earns a merit.

By Gabby N
We also use the acronym FLOW. It stands for:
In Year 5 we are FLOW in and out of the classroom. We are FOCUSED as we LINE UP in an ORDERLY and calm manner WAITING for further instructions.

We do FLOW when we are leaving our classroom to another.


  1. Angelica

    Great job Gabby N, I like how you show the signs of SMOOTH and FLOW.

    1. Dear, Angelica
      I appreciate that you liked my blog post thank you very much. I also enjoy reading your blog posts too.

      Kind Regards
      Gabby N

  2. Lily

    Wow i like how you explained it and how you put what every letter stands for. You did a fantastic job Gabby.N.

    1. Dear, Lily
      Thank You for your kind words and I also love to read your blog posts.

      Kind Regards

      Gabby N

  3. Flow and Smooth are great ideas and this blog post describes it very well.

  4. Dear Gabby I really liked your blog post on smooth and flow I loved how you made it colorful and beautiful.

    Sincerely :

  5. Angelica

    Miss Lee that was a great idea to put SMOOTH and FLOW.

  6. Great blog post Gabby. That was a great idea to put together an acronym for Smooth and Flow, Miss Lee.

    1. Gabby N
      Dear Clare,
      Thank you for your kind words and I absolutely loved you blog post about the scones with Angelique. Thank you for liking this blog post I created it really means a lot.

      Kind Regards
      Gabby N
