CTK Herald
By Gabby N
On Tuesday 27th August Year 5 created a newspaper. We each had a partner to interview and find out lots of information about them. We found out what they wanted to be when they were older, their interests etc. It was a really great lesson to learn more about our partner.
First we asked our partner some questions which could tell us some things about their daily life. After we questioned them we got to write a newspaper article on them. It was great fun to write a newspaper article on them.
Next we made a picture collage of our person. The pictures in the collage included pictures of their face eg. ear, eyes, hair etc. We had to send the collage to Miss Lee. After that task we got to draw, paint etc a picture of our partner we interviewed. The pictures turned out to be very realistic and lifelike.
We made a presentation of the CTK Herald including the article and our collages. In the end we printed our newspaper to show it to Mrs Jones. Thank you Miss Lee for this very fun experience and year 5 would absolutely love to do it again.