Saturday, 31 August 2013

Our Class Newspaper

CTK Herald
By Gabby N

On Tuesday 27th August Year 5 created a newspaper. We each had a partner to interview and find out lots of information about them. We found out what they wanted to be when they were older, their interests etc. It was a really great lesson to learn more about our partner.

First we asked our partner some questions which could tell us some things about their daily life. After we questioned them we got to write a newspaper article on them. It was great fun to write a newspaper article on them.

Next we made a picture collage of our person. The pictures in the collage included pictures of their face eg. ear, eyes, hair etc. We had to send the collage to Miss Lee. After that task we got to draw, paint etc a picture of our partner we interviewed. The pictures turned out to be very realistic and lifelike.

We made a presentation of the CTK Herald including the article and our collages. In the end we printed our newspaper to show it to Mrs Jones. Thank you Miss Lee for this very fun experience and year 5 would absolutely love to do it again.

Mathematics Challenge Day

Bankstown Maths Cluster Challenge Day
By: Clare T

On Friday 16th August, 12 children were selected from our school to participate in a Bankstown Maths Cluster Challenge Day. 6 students from Year 5 and 6 students from Year 6 were selected. Those students who were selected from Year 5 were: Clare, Ashleigh, Mikayla, Gabby N, Michael V and Dylan. Students who were selected from Year 6 were: Anthony J, Anthony N, Maryann N, Jessica, Stephanie and Rachel. The Bankstown Maths Cluster Challenge Day was held at La Salle Catholic College at 8:45 am and ended at 12:30 pm. 

There were exciting activities such as beat the buzzer, poison number, the quiz section, some other problems and the guessing competition where we had to guess how many Gummi bears were in the jar. At the end the top 3 tables with the highest points got to compete with the other tables, who were chosen at the beat the buzzer game. 

Only 3 people from different years who were on the chosen tables got to compete. The first table to 8 points won and every person on the table received a movie voucher and a certificate, also everyone else received a certificate for their participation. Everyone had great fun, we met new students from different schools and made new friends.

Early Catholics in Australia

By Lily

Year 5 have been learning about how to create videos on a app called Tellegami. Tellegami lets you record your voice on an animated person and lets you chose the facial expressions, change the clothes and the background. We used it for our projects on an famous early Catholic Australians.  We each had to research a person who had an impact on the early Church in Australia.

We had to watch the tellagamis that we created then we had a QR code hunt.  We had to scan QR codes to answer ‘Who am I?’ questions about early Catholics in Australia.  We had lots of fun doing this.  You can also use QR codes for other things as well. Below are some tellegamis that we made.

Fr Jeremiah Francis O'Flynn

Mary MacKillop

Fr James Dixon

Check out some of our QR codes as well.

QR #1

QR #2

QR #3

What interesting facts did you learn?
What are the answers to these QR Who am I questions?

Sunday, 4 August 2013

Procedures and Procedural Recounts

Cooking Scones
   By: Clare & Angelique

On Thursday the 1st of August, Year 5 went to the hall to make Scones for text types. We went in our table groups  and we did 5 rotations ,there were  5 activities such as making scones, using the ipad app called pixntell to recount our procedure, copying the procedure, exploring food on the goldfield and making an advertisement for Scones. We all had a great time and the scones were fantastic . We  also had the scones with whipped cream and jam it was delicious, we gave some to the teachers and they loved them. In the end  we were called the chefs of the day!

Did you enjoy cooking the scones? Why?

Literacy and Numeracy Week

Literacy and Numeracy Week
By Meg And Jack

On Tuesday the 30th June Year 5 celebrated literacy and numeracy week by participating in 6 different stations. Each station was a game which you would play with your table groups. Station 1 was called I See The Light, 2 players left the room and decided on a word, they then went back inside and had a conversation about the word and the players had to listen and when think they know the word they say I See The Light. Station two was telephone pictionary. Station three How, where, why and when. Station 4 was go fish with homophones, and station 5 was bingo. Station 6 was called 31, each player had to put down a counter on either number 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, or 6 until you get to 31, the player who got to 31 is the winner.

What Some People In Year 5 Thought Of It
Jack: It was very very fun it was a great lesson.
Meg: I thought that it was very fun and was a cool way of learning.
Samuel: It was so fun and good for learning.
Mahrae: I had lots of fun and especially enjoyed the game ‘ I see the light’.

Overall, this was a really great maths lesson and was very fun.

Which activity did you like best?

Bankstown City Council Excursion

Bankstown City Council

By Gabby N

On Wednesday 23rd July Years 5 and 6  were fortunate enough to go to the Bankstown city council chambers. We were taught about what councils do. We acted out as councillors and got to debate. The criminals were Jack M and Antoinette Y. After our council program we participated in a recycling program. During this program we learnt about recycling and which products go into which bins. The recycling was a great program and Years 5 and 6 really enjoyed it. After the recycling program we went into the Bankstown library to participate in a program, about the library and its uses. The program showed us about their websites, and the links that could help us in our school homework. Year 5 and 6 enjoyed this program.

What did you enjoy most about this excursion? What was an interesting fact you learnt at either the council chambers or the library?